





Kuopio Dance & Music Festival Weekend Events at Palad!



During the Kuopio Dance and Music Festival, Palad Showroom will also be bustling with life. Take note of the dates and sign up for our exciting cultural adventures.

Partanen & Lamusuo will be organizing cultural tours of our most renowned design sites as part of the Kuopio Dance and Music Festival. Participation is free and no registration is required. All you need is a bike or good walking shoes, and an interest in art, architecture, and design.


Friday 14.6.2024  –Cycling the Paths of Art

Time: 14:00 – 16:30
Starting Point: Kuopio Market Square, Dance Tent
Weather Permitting: In case of rain, the tour will be conducted on foot.

The cultural tour route includes:

  • Riisa – The Orthodox Church Museum of Finland
  • Kaari Hospital
  • Evolution -Art Installation
  • Tiukanlinna Parliament
  • University of Eastern Finland Kuopio Campus
  • Administrative Court of Appeal
  • Palad Showroom

The tour ends at the Palad Showroom, where you can explore the public art exhibition and Palad brand furniture.

Open House at the Palad Showroom from 16:30 to 17:30. Welcome!


Saturday 15.6. – A Walk Through the Heart of Culture

Time: 12:00 – 13:30
Starting Point: Kuopio Market Square, Dance Tent

The cultural tour route includes:

  • Palad Showroom
  • Vihtori Back Wall, Barson Models
  • Cathedral, Baptism tree, You Are A Miracle
  • Hotel Puijonsarvi, 4-part Art Installation

The tour ends in the lobby of Hotel Puijonsarvi.

Open House at the Palad Showroom from 12:00 to 13:00. Welcome!


Spacious and well-lit Palad Showroom interior showcasing Tuma, Rex Arc, and P.I.K. furniture. Tuma, a round organic design, includes a sofa, table, and ottomans. Rex Arc chairs offer versatile placement options. P.I.K. seats feature hand-carved three-dimensional forms, revealing unique wood grain patterns.

Palad Showroom, Puijonkatu 16, 70110 Kuopio


Evolution Art Installation


Barson Models


Riisa – The Orthodox Church Museum of Finland


Partanen & Lamusuo’s Special Offer for the Soul Chain Dance Performance & Kuopio’s Coolest Design Pre-Party!

Take advantage of a €10 discount for the Soul Chain dance performance on Friday, June 14th at 21:00. Use the link below to secure your spot while tickets are still available.

Buy tickets here

“Soul Chain is a captivating work about love, longing, and the loneliness that resides within each of us. Choreographed by Sharon Eyal in collaboration with Gai Behar, this powerful performance features electronic music by Ori Lichtik and won the prestigious Der Faust theatre award in 2018.”

Read more about the performance here tai tutustu esitykseen or check out the performance on YouTube.


Design Pre-Party at Palad Showroom!

We will meet before the Friday Soul Chain performance with a selected group at Palad Showroom at 18.00. (Puijonkatu 16)

Come enjoy our company and the festive atmosphere before the evening’s performance. There are only a limited number of spots available for the pre-party, so please RSVP by 7.6  via email to: 


Register for the studio visit:
Tell us why you would like to visit our studio!


Invitation to an Exclusive Studio and Garden Visit
Sunday, 16.6 2024, at 13:00

On Sunday, 16.6. we offer a unique opportunity to explore the Partanen & Lamusuo -studio and see where Paladin furniture is designed. Join us and spend some time in the enchanting world of art and architecture in our japanese-inspired garden,
while enjoying a cup of coffee or tea.

This event coincides with the national Open Gardens Day, which we will also be celebrating.

This is an excellent chance to see where the magic of art and architecture happens and to engage in conversation with us. As we aim to keep the event intimate and interactive, there are only eight spots available. Please RSVP by 7.6.

How to Register:
Send us an email at and tell us why you would like to visit our studio. We will select participants based on the responses we receive.

Photo by Pekka Mäkinen

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